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Make It Fun!
Cricket Australia Coaching.



SHOTCUT worked with Cricket Australia's Coach Development Specialists on expanding their award winning CA Coach app with a new set of activity videos aimed at assisting coaches with some fast and fun activities they can easily implement into their training sessions.

While other activity sets aimed at junior coaches were already housed on the app, the main challenge was to design a format and structure that felt entirely unique and differed from previously produced content.


The 24-video Make It Fun! series started with developing a clean and colourful look that didn't clash with any previously used colours or graphics elements from other activity videos.  

The easy-on-the-eyes pastel colour palette used throughout the motion graphics gave this series it's own visual identity and complimented the extended activity outlines that closed out a majority of the videos.

In addition, opening pieces to camera outlining key goals for each activity from a number of coaches, allowed viewers to understand the benefits each activity would have for their players and their training sessions. 

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