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Video Model Brochure.




Blue Flag engaged SHOTCUT to develop a set of video brochures for the new Genesis models being released. Rather than simply reading through a PDF or the website, Genesis were interested in customers having something different to engage with when learning more about each specific model.


A set of 4 clips, each approximately 10 minutes in length outlining the key exterior, interior, safety features and options needed to be communicated in line with the Genesis brand guidelines, overall style and current advertising materials.

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With a good amount of advertising materials for each model already available, SHOTCUT aimed to bring the Genesis models to life by using the same design outline as the model brochures themselves.


Split screen visuals allowed viewers to see multiple angles in a short space of time, while motion graphics were able to bring exterior colours and interior options to life.


The finished products feel like a great extension to the brochures and available resources on the website, while still adding a new and exciting element to the lineup.


Contact SHOTCUT if you'd like to learn more about this project.

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